Founded in 1999, International Compliance Group is a full-service and focused social compliance audit firm headquarters in San Diego, California specializing in labor intensive industries such as apparel manufacturing. Additional presence can be found in other cities in the US, as well as in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, India, China and Vietnam. For over 25 years ICG has completed assignments for small, privately held businesses as well as for Fortune 500 corporations, in over 50 countries, and throughout the Americas, Asia, Europe and Africa.
Beyond apparel, we conduct social compliance in distribution centers, industrial laundries, farms, food preparation and consumer goods and specialty product providers such as injection molding and paper manufacturing.
Our staff consists of educated professionals with degrees in multiple disciplines such as engineering, chemical engineering, psychology, law, economics, human resources, business management. Professionally, they have local and international experience in consumer and hard goods manufacturing, human resources, safety and environmental management, legal, quality management and more.
All have undergraduate degrees with most having advanced degrees and an average of over 15 years of industry experience. Collectively, our staff have completed several thousand social compliance audits. Most of our staff are bilingual, in English and their native language.
ICG is a proud member of the Association of Professional Social Compliance Auditors. APSCA is an industry association, whose members represent a substantial majority of the Social Compliance audit industry. As the leading industry association, APSCA exists to enhance the professionalism, consistency and credibility of the individuals and organizations performing independent/third party social compliance audits.
ICG is an accredited certifying body for Quality Management Systems under the ISO 9001:2015 norm. For more information please contact